English Summary
At a glance: from basic recipe to cream topping
The basic recipe is the same for everyone
This is where you lay the foundation for your pension plan. The basic principle is that Unilever and you, as the employee, both pay contributions towards your pension. For staff whose pensionable income is lower than the social security ceiling (SSC) (Beitragsbemessungsgrenze West in German) these contributions are paid into the Berolina Pension Fund. If your income is higher, then contributions will also be invested in Unilever's special investment funds. In the basic pension plan you don't need to worry about anything else - everything runs automatically once you're a member of Berolina Basic.
The cream topping - this is where you get creative
When it comes to supplementary contributions, you decide what you want:
- Do you need additional benefits in order to mainta
in your standard of living after you retire?
- Which plan suits you best?
Unilever offers a broad choice of additional pension options which you can pick and mix according to your individual needs and financial scope. Put the cream on top of your pension plan!
Lots of options - a recipe for success
Unilever's pension schemes offer a wide choice of options to allow you to design your retirement benefits so that they are an ideal match for your situation and lifestyle after you retire. The recipe for success is the same for everyone at Unilever. Take the following ingredients:
… a secure, guaranteed interest rate plus bonuses,
… extra peace of mind for you and your family - after you retire and in the event of invalidity or death,
… regular updates so that you can plan ahead easily and effectively.
The result is a pension scheme with guaranteed success.
For further legal information please click here.
The transfer brochure is addressed to all active employees who have joined Unilever before 01.01.2009. | ![]() |